Holiday Airfares Rise Compare Last Year

If you are the holiday traveler on the same plane for the same destination, then you have to little bit more than last year’s price. Since Airline companies have increased the fares of their airline tickets.
Fares for travel around the holidays have been rising since late summer. Christmas fares are now running 4 percent below a year ago, and the gap is likely to disappear soon.
Contrast that with a year ago, when the airlines essentially put the holiday travel season on sale. With the recession in full force, airlines used discounting to fill seats.
People who waited to book holiday fares last year saved money. This year, holding off could cost you.
Most carriers pushed through a $10 fare increase at the end of October. For the holidays, the big airlines added a $20 surcharge each way on popular travel days closest to Christmas and New Year's.

Airlines have been shrinking to match a decrease in travel. With the supply of seats more in line with demand, carriers have been able to raise fares close to where they were last holiday season.

Of course, the cheapest ticket is purchased with frequent flier miles. Airlines only make some seats on each flight available for purchase with frequent flier miles. Some are still available, but Randy Petersen, editor of InsideFlyer magazine, said they're getting scarce because most holiday travelers started booking those as early as August.

Most airlines now charge $15 to $20 to check your first bag and $25 to $30 for the second. During the last year, airlines began charging $5 more each way if you pay your baggage fee at the airport instead of online.


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